Monday, November 14, 2005

glengarry glen loss

so. the music in the production of glengarry glen ross at the waterfront theater is borderline despicable. (the play itself was incredible)

seriously, the amount of effort the cast puts into the dialogue and majesty of this play is nearly sqaundered by the bad-porn style music in between scenes - the finale of which, was that horrid song "money money money eeeeeeehh money" - (i think they use it on the apprentice). horrible! outrageous!

a random sampling of the music on my ipod produced three superior tracks in less than ten attempts (on random). they were:

dc 3000 - by the thievery corporation (by no means a good song)
gloria's step - bill evans trio (with scott lafaro).....enjoy the song
iron man - four tet

these were random plays and they all fit well. this made me think that perhaps i have a hidden talent. i quickly dismissed that, realizing my talents have nothing to with theater or the thievery corporation.

the plant pictured above is some kind of herb - like mexican parsley? not that that even exists. it thrives in out house though and the little piece i cut off is strong and beautiful.

have a fantastic day - if a plant that does not exist can - you can too!

my cousin just sent me this:

from here:


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